State of the Weblog Address

February 10, 2005

My adoring fans are beginning to question my dignity for consistently allowing more than a week between blog entries.

11:43:25 edawg1701: I've been waiting patiently for the past 10 days for a another blog entry

I'm becoming increasingly aware that the ui for my site is retarded to the point of being unbearable. (Try to find the permanent link for each entry from the front page. I dare ya.)

I was pretty proud of myself for solving the comment spam problem using captcha, but now some asshat (thanks for the term, Jeff) has taken to spamming me with trackbacks. No big deal, right? I just turn trackbacks off for all my old entries one SQL query later and life is good... Except apparently there is a bug in MovableType that still allows trackbacks through, even if they are turned off for a given entry (it just doesn't visibly display them).

This will not stand!

At the Triangle Blogger's Conference this weekend, I'm fully expecting other bloggers to laugh and point.